Today we continue to talk about the common casting defects - hole defects.
Porosity, shrinkage cavity, shrinkage porosity,
slag hole, sand hole are all porosity defects.
A smooth hole of unequal size on the surface,
inside or near the surface of a casting.
The shapes are round, long and irregular.
There are single beings and there are multiple aggregates.
Shrinkage cavity often exists at the junction of
large section and wall thickness of castings.
Irregular shape, pore wall rough, coarse grain.
Shrinkage porosity is a small incoherent shrinkage cavity in the casting,
clustered in one or more places, coarse grain,
there is a gap between the grains.
Slag holes are irregular holes on the surface and inside of the casting.
The hole is not smooth, and the hole is completely or partially filled with muck.
Sand holes are irregular holes on the surface and inside of the casting.
The holes are not smooth,
and the holes are completely or partially filled with molding sand.
Porosity, shrinkage cavity, shrinkage porosity,
slag hole, sand hole are all porosity defects.
A smooth hole of unequal size on the surface,
inside or near the surface of a casting.
The shapes are round, long and irregular.
There are single beings and there are multiple aggregates.
Shrinkage cavity often exists at the junction of
large section and wall thickness of castings.
Irregular shape, pore wall rough, coarse grain.
Shrinkage porosity is a small incoherent shrinkage cavity in the casting,
clustered in one or more places, coarse grain,
there is a gap between the grains.
Slag holes are irregular holes on the surface and inside of the casting.
The hole is not smooth, and the hole is completely or partially filled with muck.
Sand holes are irregular holes on the surface and inside of the casting.
The holes are not smooth,
and the holes are completely or partially filled with molding sand.