Welcome, We are proudly ISO 9001:2008 certified.


Hello everyone, I am the youngest girl in the factory.
Today we will talk about: 
what problems will be encountered in the manufacture of 
thin-walled ductile iron castings?
First of all, let's take a look at thin-walled ductile iron castings. 
We usually refer to castings with a wall thickness of 
3-6mm as thin-walled ductile iron. 
With the advancement of technology, 
today's thin-walled ductile iron has been reduced to 
2.5mm in defined wall thickness.
When manufacturing thin-walled ductile iron castings, 
it is often encountered:
 when the molten iron is insufficiently filled, 
it is prone to insufficient pouring, cold isolation; 
formation of carbides, white mouths; inclusions and other defects.
These problems are all related to the excessively fast 
solidification rate of thin-walled ductile iron. 
As the wall thickness decreases, 
the cooling rate increases significantly.
According to the test data, 
the cooling rate of 2-3mm castings is 15-20 times higher than 
that of general 15mm castings.
Follow me, the youngest girl in the factory. 


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